Board of Directors
The Foundation's Board consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair and up to four other Directors appointed by the Governor in Council; up to 18 additional Directors appointed by the Board after consultation with provincial governments and other interested outside parties; and, the President of the Foundation. The Chair and each of the Board Members is appointed for a term of three years, and may serve a maximum of three terms. Board Members sit on various Board Committees. The Board, which serves in a volunteer capacity, has ultimate responsibility for the Foundation's activities and meets at least twice a year.
Senior Staff
Our senior staff members bring a range of international expertise and strategic policy experience to the dialogue around Canada-Asia engagement.
Research Staff
Our research team comprises national and international scholars and project specialists along with a cadre of research and program managers delivering leading research, polling, and analysis on Canada-Asia relations.

Operations and Administration
Our Operations and Administration team supports APF Canada's wide range of activities, including research, events, outreach, and development, as well as the Foundation's Board of Directors, Senior Staff, and our network of Distinguished Fellows.

Communications Staff
Our Communications Team supports APF Canada's research, education, networking, and business development activities through the editorial design and development of digital and print collateral, the Foundation's websites, social media, and media relations.

Senior Fellows (Non-resident)
John H. McArthur Research Fellows
Research Fellows (Grant Recipients)
Our Post-graduate Research Fellows in-residence are recent university graduates working on their own Asia Pacific-related research projects, and projects that support APF Canada’s broader work in enhancing Canada-Asia relations.